About Us

Health & Illness


Before a child is enrolled, an up to date immunization record is required. It must remain current while attending Candyland Child Development Center.

Sick Child Policy

If a child becomes ill during the day they will be excluded from the other children and the parent immediately notified. The parent is required to pick up the child as soon as possible. The symptoms for exclusion will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • A temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • A severe cough or difficulty breathing
  • Discharge from eyes or ears
  • Vomiting
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Rash or blisters with discharge
  • Head lice

Please keep your child home if he/she has any of the above symptoms unless you have a note from your child’s physician stating your child is not contagious and is okay to be in child care. The staff will observe your child for signs and symptoms of illness daily. If your child exhibits any of the above symptoms you will be called and your child will be sent home. Please do not return your child to the center until these symptoms are gone for 24 hours. This means your child must be fever free for 24 hours without the benefit of fever reducing medication, such as Tylenol or Motrin, before returning to the center. If your child has been prescribed an antibiotic, please keep your child home until he/she has had a full day’s (24 hours) dosage, unless otherwise specified by the child’s physician in writing. Candyland Child Development Center will make every attempt to keep your child and the other children healthy and away from contagious disease. If your child is sick please keep them at home to protect other children and the staff from illness. Candyland Child Development Center will report all contagious diseases to the SD Department of Health as outlined in rule 67:42:10:14 Tuition will not be adjusted for the days the child is sick.


If at any time your child needs prescription or non-prescription medication at the center, an authorization form needs to be completed and signed by the parent. All medication must be in its original container. Prescription medication must contain the prescription label that contains the name of the child, the physician’s name, the dosage and date. This serves as the physician’s authorization. Non- prescription medications will be administered according to the label unless otherwise noted in writing by the child’s doctor. We cannot administer any medication that has expired. All medications will be stored in a place inaccessible to children.

Food and Allergic Reactions

If a child has any kind of allergy the parent will fill out an Allergy Action Plan form before the child starts at Candyland Child Development Center. It will provide the specific needs of your child and their allergy and or allergies. The Allergy Action Plan will be posted in every room the child will occupy. Based on the child’s care plan and prior to caring for the child, staff members will demonstrate competence in, and implement measures in preventing, recognizing the symptoms and treatment of an allergic reaction.